module: dsetup32(Mar 30 2011), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed. Unable to iterate through C:\windows\system32\DirectX\WebSetup\Oct2006_XACT_圆4.cab. module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 5738, function: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn Failed API: SetupIterateCabinet() Error: (1224) - The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open. Unable to delete C:/Users/BeeGee/AppData/Local/Temp/DXD686.tmp/. module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6776, function: CMDXInstall::Install Failed API: DeleteFile() Error: (5) - Access is denied. I'd post my entire DirectX log, but it's tl dr. Using the DXSetup in there also doesn't work and gives me an error message. I've tried to use the June 2010 DirectX end user runtimes, but all it does is unzips all of the versions of DirectX from like 2005-now into my Downloads folder and makes a mess of everything: I've tried installing the latest version of DirectX here, which also doesn't work and gives me the same error message as above: I've been all over the threads on the FFXIV subreddit with solutions and whatnot and none of them have worked for me. I'm running Win 10 and DirectX 12, which is not supported by the game. FFXIV is DirectX 11 compatible, but not DirectX 12 compatible (yes, I know DirectX 11 is already a "part" of DirectX 12).
I can't run the benchmark or the game because it keeps telling me that my DirectX library is out of date, bla bla download runtime bla whatever. I already posted this in the FFXIV subreddit, but figured I'd ask here, too.